About us
The East Brighton Vampires Netball Club (EBVNC) is more than a club, it is a community. It is a community of players, families, coaches and volunteers who love the game, enjoy seeing their families active and are willing to do their bit to make it happen. If that sounds like your sort of netball club then we would love to have you on our team. We welcome accomplished players and those who just want to play to have some fun with friends and be a part of a team.
We play in three different leagues:
Bayside & District Netball Association (BDNA)
Caulfield & District Netball Association (CDNA)
Southern Football Netball League (SFNL).
The Junior Netball Club participates in the Bayside & District Netball Association (BDNA) competition, which runs games on Saturdays (9&U,11&U, 13&U, 15&U, 18&U) at the Bayside Netball Centre on Holloway Road, Sandringham.
The club also participates in the Caulfield & District Netball Club (CDNA) competition, which runs games on Friday evenings (9&U, 11&U) and Saturday mornings (13&U,15&U, 18&U) at Duncan Mackinnon Reserve, Murrumbeena.
The Senior Netball Club participates in the Southern Football Netball League (SFNL) competition, and runs games on Saturday afternoons at the Springvale District Netball Association courts on Rowan Road, Dingley Village.
Our history
The East Brighton Vampires Netball Club (EBVNC) began life in 2010 as the Brighton Sparks with one U11 team.
In 2016, we changed our name to East Brighton Vampires Netball Club.
We now have 25 teams from U9 through to seniors. We also run a fantastic NetSetGo program for Grade 2 and 3 children at Brighton Primary School and Gardenvale Primary School, hopefully sowing the love of netball in our littlest players.
Our values
Our committee
Our club is run by volunteers in accordance with our constitution. Each year, the four office bearing positions are elected at the AGM. The office bearers, along with members of the Executive Committee meet regularly to govern the club, adhere to policies and ensure training and matches are conducted in a safe and inclusive environment.
Our four office bearers are:
President: Louise Syrros
Vice President: Amelia Matlock
Treasurer: Caly Price
Secretary: Pip Scarff
The day-to-day running of our club is led by:
Administration Coordinator: Jill Bright.
We believe in promoting good sporting values, skills development, team play and a healthy participation in netball at all levels.
Players have the opportunity to develop further skills in umpiring and coaching within the Club and beyond. We are a true community club and we also advocate inclusivity in sport. Members of our committee were instrumental in setting up an award-winning all-abilities netball program with the Bayside & District Netball Association.
Parents are provided with opportunities too, to coach, umpire and volunteer in a number of ways.
Our club is a ‘stay and support’ club, not ‘drop and go’ and membership of our club means getting involved, one way or another, for example, volunteering, attending events, watching training and games, and working with team managers, coaches and fellow club members.

Diversity and inclusion
We support diversity and believe we all benefit when sporting organisations are inclusive of everyone in our community.
The term diversity refers to the different characteristics of people who make up our community can includes:
race (including nationality, ethnicity and colour)
disability (including intellectual, physical or sensory disabilities)
sexual orientation.
Inclusion in sport means everyone is able to participate.