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Everyone volunteers

Throughout the season, there will be calls for volunteers. As a community club, when social parents and active players, volunteering not only supports the smooth running of the club, but is a great way to contribute, lean in with special skills/capability and to ensure our club can do the things we like doing.


Parent/guardian involvement

Our club is run by a small number of volunteers. To ensure training and match days run smoothly, we require parents/guardians to actively engage with their child’s preparations and the club’s requirements.


This is a two way process, and parents/guardians are expected to participate, volunteer and be supportive.


Our club is a ‘Stay and Support’ club which means under normal playing conditions, parents/guardians are expected to watch matches, cheers on both sides and congratulate players for trying – win or lose.


If you prefer a ‘drop and go’ netball club, EBVNC will not be the right choice for you.


Team managers

All teams have a Team Manager who is usually a parent/guardian volunteer. The Team Manager duties include:

  • rostering for oranges and scoring

  • rostering for Canteen or BBQ duties

  • communication with the Team Manager Coordinator/coaches

  • point of contact for player absences

  • distribution of information to your team via email/SMS/Whatsapp or other.



All parents/guardians are expected to volunteer to score matches throughout the season. It is a shared responsibility and should not be left to one person. Scoring is easy and provides added insights into match days.


BDNA and CDNA use the NetballConnect app for scoring. All parents/guardians are rostered on for scoring during the season. When it is your turn, you are expected to:​

  • have access to the app (download the app at the start of the season)

  • know how to score and fill in the playing positions

  • confirm the final scores are correct, through the app.


f you haven’t scored before, ensure you watch an experienced parent prior to your turn so you are familiar with how to do it.



All parents/guardians will be rostered on to provide oranges/fruit for their team. The oranges/fruit is shared among players during half time. It is very important you scrub your chopping board, knife and container and lid before cutting the fruit to ensure all players can enjoy the fruit without risk of contamination and serious health reactions caused by nuts, gluten (found in wheat, rye, oats and barley) and other allergens for some players. The parents and guardians of those players thank you!



EBVNC would prefer snakes/lollies are not provided at the end of games. However if your team chooses to provide lollies, please ensure they do not contain common allergens, or you are aware of players in your team with food allergies and purchase lollies the whole team can enjoy. The parents and guardians of those players thank you (again)!


Canteen & BBQ

Clubs run the canteen and BBQ on a roster system throughout the season. Typically, this is twice a season. It is a shared responsibility and parents should not assume someone else will do it. All parents are expected to volunteer. It’s a fun opportunity to interact with other parents, feed hungry kids and be supportive. The system is not complicated and the time passes quickly. CDNA and SFNL canteens are run by the associations.​

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