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November 2020


Hi all,


Firstly, thank you for being great people, for doing the right thing, for coping the best you can, for staying connected, for giving each other space, for staying healthy and for having some down time.  

To our players who have gone without training or matches, to parents who have had to cope with maintaining family life, and to our netball community, you are inspirational. We have experienced a huge disruption which has thrown up challenges we never knew existed, and yet, here we are. You should be very proud of yourselves. 


Return to training 


So now restrictions have eased, we can resume limited on-court activities. These will be voluntary, fun, fitness and exercise sessions. There’s no planned competition for SDNA or CDNA this year so any netball will be more about getting back together, reconnecting, restoring fitness and reigniting our love of sport, while adhering to the safety advice.  


For SDNA, we’re running sessions on Saturdays on November 7, 14, 21, 28 at Thomas Street.  


For CDNA, training has commenced at Duncan McKinnon. CDNA Rep trials commence on Monday 9 Nov and run over 4 weeks   


You coach will be in touch with more details shortly. COVID-19 safety measures will apply. 


Please be aware, if you wish to participate in return to training, you must have Netball Victoria membership. Those that received a NV full refund will need to arrange this, prior to your return. 


Your committee 


The committee has meet monthly, plus additional ad hoc sessions, throughout the pandemic. With no on-court activities, this has been an opportunity to do some ‘house-keeping’ on the admin side.  


This has included: 

  • Successfully securing funding from the Community Sport Sector Short-term Survival Package.​ 

  • Securing confirmation for the seniors to compete in SFNL for 2021 and beyond 

  • Developing position descriptions for the committee and key volunteer roles 

  • Advertising and recruiting new committee volunteers to replace those stepping down 

  • Reviewing and reinforcing key policies  

  • Redesigning the club website (keep posted for the launch!) 

  • Developing a career development pathway for young leaders through NetSetGo 


This is in addition to the huge undertaking to refund members their 2020 subs, where requested. We thank those who kindly donated their subs to the club and we thank our Treasurer, Caly Price who put in many extra hours to make what was a complex process work so seamlessly. 



The club’s AGM will be on Wednesday 11 November 7.00pm, via zoom. For more information, please check you inbox for the communication sent 28 October. 


Gardenvale Primary School resurfacing  


A big shout out to Jessica Allen and Coco Lajbcygier, CDNA Under 11 Hunters mums, and team manager Tricia Ciampa, who identified the surface for training and the NSG program at GPS was becoming unsafe. They approached the School Council at the 2019 October meeting to present the case to have the grounds resurfaced. Their presentation outlined that the safety improvements would not just benefit netball players but the entire school community. The School Council allocate funding in the 2020 year to address this issue and now both Gardenvale PS campuses have been resurfaced with 19mm multisport synthetic turf, all ready for when netball training (and other sports) can resume.


Community Partners 

We have maintained our relationship with the club’s Community Partners throughout the lockdown and, we now encourage members to go use them. They’ve experienced a number of challenges so at this stage the call to action is to encourage you to pop in and thank them for sticking with the club over the last months.  


Our Community Partners are:  


Don’t forget, the BSSC team have posted some videos on our website to help you start stretching and getting moving again, now lockdown is over.  




NSG will recommence in 2021, but in the meantime, we have committed to a new program to deliver it.  

We have offered some coaches (aged approx. 15/16) the opportunity to oversee on and off court management of NSG. In return for running the program, they will have something to put on their CV, gain work experience, receive a reference, as well as gain valuable personal development skills.  


See you soon,


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